(831) 422-SKIN (7546)
1260 S. Main Street, Suite 201, Salinas, CA 93901


    Medical Grade Skincare & Cosmetic Services


    Medical Grade Skincare & Cosmetic Services

Pro-Nox Conveniently located to serve Salinas, CA

Salinas Valley Plastic Surgery and Revitalessence Medical Spa and Laser Center are excited to announce the introduction of “Laughing Gas” to our practices as an adjunct to make procedures more comfortable and tolerable.

Many people find laser procedures and injections to be uncomfortable if not down-right painful. Pro-Nox is a safe and effective way to make those procedures much more comfortable. Nitrous Oxide has long been used in anesthesia as part of a balanced anesthesia. The 50% Nitrous Oxide/50% Oxygen mix is a universal standard for pain & anxiety relief that has been used for decades throughout the world in labor & delivery, emergency room, pre-hospital (ambulance) and in recent years, moved into private practice, medical centers, surgery centers and birthing centers.


What Is Laughing Gas?

Nitrous oxide (N2O), which is commonly referred to as laughing gas, is a non-flammable gas that is colorless and has a sweet odor. The name “laughing gas” is derived from the intoxicating effects it produces after inhalation.

After inhalation, nitrous oxide gets absorbed into the bloodstream via the pulmonary vasculature. It does not combine with hemoglobin or any of the tissues of the body.

Nitrous oxide has negligible side effects and is very simple to use, since it has a completely non-invasive mechanism of delivery. This makes it an ideal anesthetic agent for use in medical procedures. Nitrous oxide is routinely used alongside other anesthetic agents in emergency medical procedures, dental procedures, and even in childbirth.

How Is Laughing Gas Used?

Nitrous oxide is an effective anesthetic agent that is generally mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a plastic mask that fits over the nose. Laughing gas can also be administered to children through a nasal hood, which does not cover their mouths.

Laughing gas helps patients remain calm before a procedure. It differs from general anesthetics in the sense that it does not put a person into a fully unconscious state.

The effects of the laughing gas can be felt within a few minutes, and it is usually accompanied by the feelings of:

  • Happiness
  • Light-headedness
  • Mild euphoria
  • Relaxation

The Benefits of Pro-Nox

Benefits of Pro-NoxTM Nitrous Oxide Delivery System Include:

  • Patient Administered – empowers the patient to respond to their pain & anxiety when they need it and cuts down on the use of opioids during in-office procedures.
  • Quick Onset – takes effect in seconds – immediate relief!
  • Short Duration of effect – clears from the body within minutes.
  • Proven effective & safe – used globally for decades at the 50/50 level.
  • Fixed 50% Nitrous/50% Oxygen delivery – system will only deliver the 50/50 mix, mix can’t be changed.
  • Internal On-Demand Valve – only delivers the gases with patient inhalation.
  • Audible and visual alarms for gas.
  • Safety shut-off when gas pressure is too low to deliver 50/50 mix.
  • Active/Passive Scavenger System available.

Which Procedures Can Pro-Nox Be Used For?

Pro-Nox is available now for your aesthetic procedures* including:

*Included in cost of procedures exceeding $1000, $50 price for procedures under $1000.

Learn More

The best way to learn more about Pro-Nox in Salinas, CA, is by contacting our office. During a consultation, you can find out about your chosen procedure and how Pro-Nox can be used to make it more comfortable.

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      For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.


      The Open Payments database is a federal tool used to search payments made by drug and device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. It can be found at https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov.

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